Announcing Plenary Speakers – RTAC-2020

Announcing Plenary Speakers

Dear Colleagues!

We are delighted to announce the Plenary Speakers for the XVIth International Conference on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry in Russia!

Topics of their presentations will be available soon.

Prof. <strong>Igor Abrikosov</strong>
Prof. Igor Abrikosov
Linköping University, Sweden;
Dr. <strong>Konstantin S. Gavrichev</strong>
Dr. Konstantin S. Gavrichev
IGIC RAS, Russia
Prof. <strong>Philip Nash</strong>
Prof. Philip Nash
Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
Prof. <strong>Alexandra Navrotsky</strong>
Prof. Alexandra Navrotsky
Arizona State University, USA
Dr. <strong>Alexander Pisch</strong>
Dr. Alexander Pisch
Science et Ingénierie des Matériaux et Procédés SIMaP, Institut polytechnique de Grenoble, CNRS, France
Prof. <strong>Christoph Schick</strong>
Prof. Christoph Schick
Rostok University, Germany;
Kazan State University, Russia
Prof. <strong>Sergey Verevkin</strong>
Prof. Sergey Verevkin
Rostok University, Germany
Prof. <strong>Irina A. Zvereva</strong>
Prof. Irina A. Zvereva
Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia